Established in 2013, Empowered Communities represents Indigenous leaders from ten regions around Australia who have joined forces to drive a common reform agenda for Indigenous empowerment.
In 2015 this group of leaders submitted to government a Design Report which articulates the Empowered Communities vision and proposes a range of transformational policy reforms aimed at empowering communities by empowering people to drive change by making local decisions about their priorities. The vision for Empowered Communities is that “We want for our children the same opportunities and choices other Australians expect for their children….”
Indigenous leaders from ten regions across Australia are working together with government and corporate Australia to reform how Indigenous policies and programs are designed and delivered.
Jawun has provided an important collaborative link across the ten Empowered Communities regions, encouraging a network of shared learning and connecting the thinking and innovation of individual Indigenous leaders. The Indigenous leaders of Empowered Communities have also been supported in developing their comprehensive proposal to government, with resourcing from Jawun secondees and strategic advice from senior business leaders in the Jawun network.
The strength of Empowered Communities is the collaboration; it has its own legacy of empowerment that will live on way beyond any formal process.
— Fiona Jose, Group CEO, Cape York Partnership
To find out more about Empowered Communities, visit: empoweredcommunities.org.au