Preventing the removal of Indigenous children in Inner Sydney
There is a significant gap in the rate of child removal between Indigenous and non-Indigenous families in Australia. Indigenous children represent 6% of the total number of Australian children but 37% of children that have been removed from their parents.
Emerging Leaders 2021 — collaborative leadership to drive change
Jawun’s Emerging Leaders program was founded in 2011 in response to the challenge of sustaining reform from one generation of leaders to the next. To date it has seen 60 up and coming Indigenous leaders from 10 regions participate in learning and connection-building opportunities designed to support their leadership.
Enhancing employment opportunities in the East Kimberley
The East Kimberley region is home to over 11,000 residents, most of whom live in the larger business hubs of Kununurra, Wyndham and Halls Creek, while the remainder live across 50 smaller communities including Kalumburu and Balgo
Jawun’s ‘reverse secondment’ provides valuable business insights for West Kimberley leader
Nolan Hunter is a proud Bardi man from the saltwater country on the Dampier Peninsula in the West Kimberley region. Leaving behind his role as CEO at the Kimberley Land Council (KLC), Nolan was one of three selected to participate in the Jawun Indigenous Corporate Leadership (ICL) program. His objective was to better understand commercial business strategy, in order to benefit his community.
Successive secondments and the value of shared learning
The Ngarrindjeri people own a deeply significant site at Pomberuk Le:wunanangk on the bank of the Murray River in Murray Bridge. The area has been identified as a suitable place to locate a new Health, Business and Cultural Centre.
Building regional capacity through ongoing organisational support
Established in 2013 to deliver the Federal Government’s Community Development Program, East Kimberley Job Pathways (EKJP) is a not-for-profit community development organisation co-owned by 2 prominent East Kimberley Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations: Wunan Foundation and Kununurra Region Economic Aboriginal Corporation (KREAC). It is one of several core employment providers in the region.
Rumbalara Oral Health Clinic operation review
Jawun is in partnership with several Indigenous organisations delivering health and wellbeing services focused on improving the quality of life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Understanding Anangu employment on APY lands
Regional Anangu Services Aboriginal Corporation (RASAC) is a not-for-profit Aboriginal Corporation wholly owned and governed by the Anangu (Aboriginal people) of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands. RASAC has over 30 years’ experience delivering services in the APY region, which covers over 103,000 square kilometres in the northwest of South Australia.
Value of Relationship: Kaiela Arts meets connection, culture and commerce
Established in 2006, Kaiela Arts is an Aboriginal art centre in Shepparton, on the traditional lands of the Yorta Yorta Nation of the Goulburn Murray (Kaiela Dungala) Region. One of only two federal government-funded Aboriginal art centres in Victoria, Kaiela Arts differentiates itself by promoting the traditional linear and X-ray art styles of the Southern Eastern Aboriginal people.
Self-generating economic development opportunities in the Far West Coast
Stretching from Ceduna on the western side of the Eyre Peninsula across the Nullarbor Plain, the Far West Coast region of South Australia covers some 1200km of coastline to the Western Australia border.
Cape York’s reform journey take a digital direction with Pama Platform
In 2005 “The Cape York Reform Agenda” was written by Noel Pearson and published by Cape York Institute. It outlined the societal and environmental issues facing the people of Cape York, calling out the issues and behaviours within the region that had become accepted as the norm. These range from substance abuse, poor health, an acceptance of a lack of opportunity, violence, poverty, and no real economy.
The Value of Virtual - strategic communications and partnering planning with Barang
Jawun has partnered with the Barang Regional Alliance since its establishment in 2014 as a regional representative body for the Central Coast Aboriginal community. Barang has been the unified voice to government for the Central Coast region through the federal Empowered Communities and NSW State Government Local Decision-Making reform programs.
Enabling Indigenous-led reform
In the East Kimberley, Binarri-binyja yarrawoo (BBY) is the 'backbone' organisation supporting the implementation of Empowered Communities (EC), a nationwide Indigenous-led reform agenda that was initiated in 2015 to drive Indigenous-led decision making and change.
Accelerating Indigenous-led enterprise
In the East Kimberley, Binarri-binyja yarrawoo (BBY) is the 'backbone' organisation supporting the implementation of Empowered Communities (EC), a nationwide Indigenous-led reform agenda that was initiated in 2015 to drive Indigenous-led decision making and change.